6 O' clock in the ......

....... morning and .....
I've been up since 4am, before which I had snatched half an hour here and there. So I'm pretty well done in before the day gets started. Insomnia is an every day occurrence !!!
The sun is showing her face every now and then , it's dry and reasonable temperature so all should be ok with the world!! Sadly it isn't! The horrific attack in Barcelona yesterday and again in another district ( in Spain ) , condolences to all who were caught up in this tragic waste of life, may those who's life's were taken RIP .
" A" has been repairing my " bird table "! He just love putting together things that should really be replaced, well it keeps him happy and saves me a few pence!

Thankful ..... that we have comparative calm, that "A" is happy ( fiddling ) putting the B/ table back together. Thank you "A".

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