Oh Balls!

My work was cancelled this morning which meant an unexpected morning at home when I was all ready to leave the house at 9.30!!

Mr W decided to try and remove a water tank from the loft then found a wasps nest. He battled on - man vs wasp. Wasp won! Wasp nest destroyer called and will be here by 5!!

We also popped to Sainsburys for 'meeting supplies' for tonight. Myself a 2 other colleagues receive regular supervision for a difficult case we have. Starbucks called us in and made us both eat a cinnamon swirl.  Then the cupcakes called us over and said "don't leave us out". 12 cupcakes between 4. I guess the diet starts again tomorrow!

And Mr W has gone to see if a wasp sting on his hand will affect his Racket ball swing!

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