Nettled Reynard

Dull and damp. Jazzy and I went shooting droplet bugs and I got bejewelled grasshoppers wiping their heads and eyes which I thought I was going to blip. 

We went for another walk after lunch when it had stopped drizzling. Out of habit I looked into disused glasshouse number thirteen. I haven't seen anything in there for a few months. It has been too hot for animals to rest under glass during the day. I caught sight of some red fur, quickly changed lenses and managed one shot of Reynard as he loped away. His face is obscured by nettles so I can't tell if he is the injured fox I photographed a few times in the spring. It certainly looks to be in good health.

Today's poem is Dark August by Derek Walcott.

Slightly appropriate for today given that there has been a total eclipse of the sun over America. Someone has posted on Twitter the crescent-shaped shadows on the ground through trees. That was my most abiding memory of the 1999 eclipse.        

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