of some of the seed heads of a wild carrot flower, latin name Daucus carota.
It grows in our garden.
In the morning my neighbour came and we coversed in dutch. On the map she showed me where she was born, where she had lived and worked before she came to our town. We looked at cities and provinces that we had visited. And she read about a herb in my herb guidebook.
She brought me a lovely gift, what a very sweet gesture.
Tomorrow we will travel to The Hague, we will see Mischa again, and we will swim in the North Sea.
In the afternoon we made some preparations, in the garden I watered some plants.
I'll give this evening my last silly hearts to AMS1, dollydoug, Tigger101, serpentine and swannie.

My entry for the Tiny Tuesday Challenge, huge thanks to osuzanna for hosting.

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