Community Spirit

Bliper Angelique commented a few weeks ago about the cleanliness of a town Blip I had posted . It's one of those things my children comment on when here. It is helped that the law requires all property owners to keep the pavements bordering their property to be kept free of anything that may endanger pedestrians - snow, ice, leaves, mud, overhanging bushes etc etc. But also in the rural areas, it is the norm t keep a tidy appearance and a quite normal scene to brush the pavement and even clean out the manhole covers (self interest too in times of flood warnings).

This morning I had gone out to empty the rubbish bin I had erected in spring to try and prevent a local resident dumping his garbage in the forest. It worked but now the plastic bag has fallen victim to the weather. So exchanged the bags and on returning to the road saw a friend doing his community spirit bit. He lives about 500m from the point I took the photo, somewhere behind the tree it is possible he owns the field alongside the road  but it is rented to a farmer who had just cut it.

So although not required to, he had just strimmed the area around the field cross and around each of the electricity pylons alongside the road. He can just be seen in the distance with strimmer and moped.

To complete the boy scout outing, I picked up the thrown away ice cream wrapping under the cross. Last week I had removed an empty beer bottle  - gleefully as I was able to get the 0.08 cents deposit on the bottle!

Lunchtime and afternoon spent mainly talking and messaging with Nigel in the UK and planning the coming week. Getting excited.

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