The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

The Old Forge (Thursday 24th August 2017)

The penultimate day of having the builder here and on this day he was tiling in the outdoor loo, plastering the workshop and repairing plasterwork in the cottage. I got my bucket and spade and made some sandcastles, though these were then raked over to renew the paths in the woodland garden. Shown is the circular path at the centre, with windfalls of crabapples.

I went into Calne on foot to buy a BLT baguette, and sat in the Town Gardens to eat it and spend awhile reading, and later I drove up to BuildBase to buy the paint for the workshop door, ready for the builder the next day.

24.8.2017 (2350 hr)

Blip #2205 (#2455 including 250 archived blips)
Consecutive Blip #004
Blips/Extras In 2017 #267
Day #2708 (520 gaps from 26 March 2010)
LOTD #1440 (#1566 including 126 on archived blips)

Taken with Pentax K-x (White) and HD P-DA 35mm F2.8 macro lens

Gardens series
Paths series
Old Forge series
Diary Blip series

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Nancy Sinatra and Lee Hazlewood - Sand (1966)
From How Does That Grab You?

One year ago:
The Old Forge

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