The foreman

As I put the bins back in their place I had the sense that I was being watched. Of course the pope had to look away when I wanted a blip.

Young Benedict has been a bit revved up late today. His frustration spilled over but he's calm now. With his abused background I don't always know what winds him up. Mostly he's fine just very occasionally he seems to struggle with something. I've learned to stay calm and to remain consistent and dependable so he knows his trust in me is true.

Good things today: Dad has headed to Sydney for a long weekend to attend a family wedding. Not bad for a 90 year old with significant health issues.

At work I completed a mountain of user requirements as part of scoping a significant project.

Closer to home my hard work with the council paid off. The development I live in will have one rubbish bin. I think they just got sick of me pointing out their poor planning ;-)

Today's gratitude: For the 3 day weekend I'm just starting.

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