The best part of the day

Light-wise it was the best part of the day but plenty else happened in my world today that is even better. 

My favourite red headed nephew Will has married his lovely partner Roz today. I can't be there but I've celebrated the occasion in many ways and had the odd photo showing preparations text to me. I'm sure they'll come and stay with me at some stage. They know I have a tempting array of ski fields within easy reach of my new home :-)

The house is clean and relatively tidy, I'm packed for a day in the hills tomorrow, and I've eaten and drunk well to celebrate Will and Roz tonight.

I think tomorrow's conditions will be a bit trying but we'll at a low altitude so it should be manageable. Best of all I'll still have Monday off and that's a good thing.

Today's gratitude: For technology. In an instant we're communicated with far away places and I've appreciated that today.

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