
By Paladian

Oh frabjous day!

It's windy, overcast, warm ---- and I blipped a butterfly. Can't believe it, so very happy.

Now, to explain. Butterfly numbers seem to be in decline, and although we see plenty of cabbage whites and monarchs, we rarely see anything else.

There's plenty of things to blame, ranging from the drought to climate change to chemical sprays, and anything you might care to think of. (Although our garden is organic and we never spray).

I did notice last year that there was a huge increase in monarchs, and thought maybe our wet winter might have had something to do with it, and now this year, there's this. A Yellow or Australian Admiral (Vanessa itea). I've never noticed this around the garden before, and I do tend to notice butterflies because I like them.

Why is this so? Maybe the long wet winter has something to do with it. Certainly the plants are flowering extraordinarily well, so of course the butterflies follow the food source. I dunno - I just like it.

I have published another couple of images on the blog, Paladian's World, as well as another one of yesterday's wasp.

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