On The Volcano's Rim

An absolutely filthy day weather-wise, with low hanging clouds and copious rain, but nevertheless we ventured out to explore more of Iceland's amazing landscape.

Today, we visited another hugely impressive waterfall (Gullfoss), some geysers and hot springs (see extra #2), the site of the first Icelandic parliament, walked the rim of a volcano crater, and visited a hydroponic greenhouse which produces more than 1 ton of tomatoes per day.  They also serve lunch inside the greenhouse amongst the vines, and everything on the menu is made from ... you guessed it ... tomatoes.  We even had tomato ice cream for dessert!  Oh, and we also said hello to a couple of Icelandic horses (see extra #3), both of whom were having a bad hair day.

This image shows just how horrid the weather was, but those people silhouetted against the black, lowering sky are on the rim of the volcano.  It was quite a steep drop down to the (incredibly deep blue) water inside the crater (see extra #1), and I have to admit I was more than a little nervous walking along the narrow, gravelly, wet path up at the rim!

Tomorrow we board our ship!

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