Feeling Cold is all Relative

Well no doubt you will pleased to know I returned home yesterday with all my teeth but slightly less blood than when I set out to meet the dental hygienist.
I don't know which pained me more, the incessant probing with that hooked needle or the £50 payment at the end of the 30 minutes.
At 10x the average wage, it is nice work if you can get it, especially as you get to sit down while working.

It was quite a chilly start to the morning, but this bride and her bridesmaids were made of stoic stuff as they walked down the Royal Mile, minimally dressed, for a photo shoot in Parliament Square. It seems they were rather hedging their bets for future generations as to the venue of the forthcoming wedding - the Registry Office behind them or St Giles in front of them.
We didn't wait to find out as we skipped nimbly down the News Steps to buy train tickets for tomorrow's visit to Glasgow.

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