Dalek learns to swim!!

We picked Amanda and Mr T up and went for breakfast at Tortworth this morning.  It was an excellent breakfast and a lovely morning looking out on the Cotswolds.  When we got home I popped in to see our neighbour who had a fall and broke her wrist and dislocated her fingers.
KG mended the swing seat on which the ropes had frayed and replaced them with chains.  It is looking good now.  We had lunch in the garden (not much because we had a good breakfast) and it was lovely and feeling very end of summer and mellow.
My silly Saturday blip thanks to Ingeborg for hosting  is the patio cleaner for the pressure washer I bought KG last weekend and we thought it looked a bit like a dalek so messing about we said Silly Saturday and on a blue groundsheet to mimic the water we put our dalek in for a swim.
Another beautiful day 

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