Movie Time

Not.  Movie time that is.

When my sister and I were children, Dad was an avid cine film man and he took loads of movies of all sorts of things - Christmas, holidays, special occasions.  He transferred to super 8 when necessary and I became a pit of a projectionist and splicer and movie shooter myself.  Then the projector started playing up and was eating more film that it was showing so we gave up.

Last year sometime, I started wondering about the films and whether or not it would be worth transferring them.  That, of course is rather expensive if you don't know what is on the film, so I borrowed all the films and equipment from Dad.  Finally today, we got round to trying to look at some of the footage.  Exquisitely tantalising little glimpses amongst the juddering and half frames!  Lots of cut off chewed up bits!  Lots of frustration!

We found one lot of footage we quite liked the look of - a family holiday in Croyde in 1966.  Dad's going to find out about getting that transferred to a more user friendly medium and he is keen to find out if anyone he knows has a projector we could try.  He even mentioned eBay!

This is SHH and Dad trying to work some magic!

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