Salt Sill

I wasn't sure whether this was a chiffchaff or a willow warbler. The best way to tell them apart is by their songs. The willow warbler warbles a pretty trill but the chiffchaff just sings its name. The Swedes think it is singing 'salt sill' which means salt herring. Trouble is these little birds rarely sing at this time of year. Another distinguishing characteristic is the legs. Chiffchaffs have dark, willow warblers light. My bird's amusingly splayed legs are definitely dark. Wonder if it's off to the Med or West Africa or if it will stay here?

Today's poem is After Making Love We Hear Footsteps by Galway Kinnell.

Sort of a shame that GK later removed the actual words from the published poem that his son spoke and which inspired it. "Are you loving and snuggling? May I join?" I can understand why he did though, he didn't want the poem to come across as a sentimental anecdote from an adoring parent. 

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