Fancy a Salad?

I woke up feeling a lot more like myself today - so finally I could take sister somewhere! So where did I take her? Waitrose and the garden centre! Now since we are both foodies and garden lovers this was our idea of heaven - plus I had a long list of things I needed, not least being crickets for Gunther and food for the cats! The usual treats went in the basket - salted caramel eclairs, baked cheesecake, as well as figs for me and apples and blackberries as sister wanted a fruit pie! My sister made the usual slightly reproving face as I popped the cakes in the basket! At the garden centre we chose spring bulbs, she bought far more than me but then her garden is a 1/3rd of an acre! Plus I paid as she paid at Waitrose! We also bought bottles with the pouring tops for oil which we both intend to make flavoured, she with tarragon and I am undecided as yet! I also bought some cat grass for the cats as they keep eating my long strappy leaved plants! 
Final stop the Aquarium where they had just had a delivery so every tank was filled with fish in bags! There was also an open tank and sister realised with a yelp of excitement it had a decorator crab in it! She was looking at the colourful blobs on what she thought was a stone when it moved! There was also a red hairy hermit crab and this sea cucumber! The salt water fish were just spectacular - I loved this clown triggerfish in first extra - he did look to be smiling and kept making the best poses! The fish my sister liked was a vicious bully despite it's beautiful appearance! Thats probably why the fish in the bag top left corner looks so shocked! I also liked the other two in their bags! 
Finally home I gave sister an eclair - she said she would only need a half then promptly ate the whole thing! I don't think food and plants are a bad way to spend ones money! Sadly I didn't find the lemon zester I wanted in either place we visited - I am now having hot water and lemon every morning to assist my little problem and apparently the zest is packed with good things! According to google :- Lemon peels contain as much as 5 to 10 times more vitamins than the lemon juice itself. To name a few: Vitamin C, Vitamin A, beta carotene, folate, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Lemon peels are health rejuvenators in eradicating toxic elements in the body. So I had to go onto the Lakeland site and found a super one there - plus a blackbird pie funnel for the pie! I have always wanted one of those! 
As to my little problem? Still a problem so another laxative at bedtime! 

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