An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Melting Moments...


This girl just has to look at me with those chocolate eyes and I melt faster than ice in the desert.  

Her training is going well.  We think. Sometimes she just looks at us as if we're nuts.  She definitely thinks she knows better at times.  She probably does.

We absolutely love her loads and can't imagine life without her but I would be lying if I said we really had no idea how much work a puppy involves.  

Yes I know everyone told us it would be hard work (actually most folk broke into hysterical laughter followed by "this will be fun to watch") when we told them we were getting a puppy, and yes we did know it would be hard work. But knowing it and actually doing it are very different things.

Thankfully we are now in a bit of a routine and can plan things better around her patterns of play and sleep but we are a bit stir crazy being so tied to the house till she has her final jab.  Going to try and get out and about visiting next week to continue her socialisation, but nervous about that too as don't want her having accidents on other people's floors.  Oh well, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

The triumphs when they come are great though.  Sleeping all night in her crate, recognising her name, sitting on command (see extra) not jumping up to greet you and sitting nicely instead (most of the time :-) responding with licks when she puppy bites too hard, getting a chew toy when asked, peeing and pooping outside, playing games and making us laugh, being all affectionate and offering her tummy for tickles, looking at me with such love and adoration and her the sheer joy she greets me with, even when I only popped out the room for a minute.  

That more than makes up for the odd accident on the kitchen floor :-)

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