Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Queen Butterfly

I originally misidentified these butterflies. They are not Pipevine Swallowtails, they are Queen butterflies. This  blip was that Swallowtail. Never got a butterfly before two days ago.  Now I'm the butterfly whisperer.  HA!

A little humor to help us get through the day...

Some Questions You Can Ask Me Instead of Siri
“How can two toilet brushes go missing?”
“How did the Incredible String Band get its name?”
“Does Melania Trump have sisters?”
“Who has written essays defending pit bulls?”
“How is brisket made?”
“Who invented the flyswatter?”
“Do children still eat dirt because of dietary deficiencies?”
“What are the big pickles from delis called?”
“Does the S.P.C.A. accept returned animals?”
“How is mustard made?”
“What was Freud’s theory about losing things, such as toilet brushes?”
“What is the astrological sign of Melania Trump?”
“Did a sister of Melania Trump go swimming in the Trevi Fountain?”
“How are artichokes prepared in Rome?”
“Are there flies in Rome during the summer?”
“Who is Tuli Kupferberg?”
“Is it legal to order mustard seeds by mail?”
“What follows the saying, ‘If ye have faith as a grain of mustard’?”
“Does Melania Trump eat meat?”
“Were Freud and Jung an item?”
“What is a ‘quality person’?”
“What is the best way to kill houseflies?”
“Who is most famous for jumping into the Trevi Fountain?”
“How many people believe that their devices listen to them when they are turned off?”
“Is writing ‘Melania Trump’ something that might get you audited?”
“Is the blue light on my device radioactive?”
“Forget that. Is Tuli Kupferberg alive?”
“Is it legal to order lemon verbena, or other things that look like pot, by mail?”
“Is there still a Surgeon General?”
“Which animals eat their young?”
“Will using a rubber band effectively kill houseflies?”

~Ann Beattie (edited), The New Yorker

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