After Aileen - Bringing the Sun Inside

Just a few of the hundred and more ten to twelve foot tall Sunflowers that fell to Storm Aileen the other night. Such a shame, but nothing on what folk are experiencing elsewhere. A minor calamity but not a life changing one. Janet trimmed them and watered them, and overnight they've perked up a little. The house is glowing!

Every vase is full, and every surface dusted with yellow pollen! Janet's very put out, as she was so hoping to show off the chicken run garden to Brendan when he visits from Boston next week.

Happy I don't have to do the work commute any more. The local motorways are pretty awful today after a pedestrian walked into a handful of cars on the M5 near us at half past six. No news yet as to why they thought that was a good idea. They're slowly turning traffic around and taking it back the way it came, but it's going to be hours yet.

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