The next problem is ...

They aren't on squeaking terms. 
My old (deceased) 'phone refused to communicate with my computer, thus preventing me transferring photos. 
I have heard the explanation since, but BOTH had Bluetooth, both were "on" and still not talking to each other; even when physically connected by cable.
I am ever so slowly learning the new one ... BUT ... it befell thus:-
I had to go downtown for various reasons.
I had my usual, Alice-free problems - Get to car - forgot A - back to house - got to car - forgot B, get the picture?
Half way downtown "DAMN, forgot camera; no probs, I'll find something at home no bother."
I saw  "these lads" outside J&J Graham playing, a not unusual sight. Exchanged waves from a distance & went to Bank.
Upon my return via a route which took me right past them I saw … …
"There they were , GONE."
OK their gear would be a trifle difficult to run off with and only useful to very few others, except to sell or melt down. What was odd - their collection "tin" was still in situ and still "loaded".

"DAMN! I wish I had my camera. No problem I have my phone."
Rattled off a pair of shots and "proceeded in a westerly direction".
Got home, had the customary afternoon with Jerra and clocked up a goodly number of paces around our local "Country Park".
When I finally got round to downloading Camera to "Disputer" I found exactly the same problem as with the old camera.
Solved, as you can probably tell, by shooting the phone and trimming to size.
Tapping the combined knowledge of Clicky, Arcane & Iain 
(a knowledgable "henchbloke" of Arcane's) I may, too late, to use, have solved the problem - we shall see.
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Passing Sainsbury's earlier I spotted the extra.
The store was opened:-
Date: Friday 4th November 2011. 
and yet ...
I am well aware that this may not have been there on opening day, all the signs are that it is emphatically NOT new; yet I can fairly safely say I have never noticed it before. This calls for a closer look, to see if those "blobs" and sloped strips constitute a key/legend.
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Purely for my own record. I, finally, learnt how to get photos from phone to Disputer. HEARTY congratulations to Iain, & Arcane I reckon I must owe them a drink apiece.
I put the "finished article" here for MY comparison in future.
PLUS, I expect to be bollocked in the near future for infringing © again.

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