
By hjarald


Today was one of those days that many hysteric fans spend the night in front of an Apple store to obtain the newest gadget.
I was pretty lucky, my phone contract ended almost three mounts ago, so I could receive a 4s if I would prolong my contract.
There were rumors that the iPhone5 was about to be introduced, so I said I'd rather wait for that day and was put on a waiting list. As it turned out I was one of the lucky people who didn't have to sleep in the rain, but received it by DHL even before the stores opened this morning.
As always even the packaging is so perfect that it's like opening a present. Every little detail is perfect and is true eye candy, or in Apples case... iCandy

If you're a jealous type, DON'T press the 'L' key

ps. I shot this with my iPhone4 ;-)

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