A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Salt to Silver

A full day starting with an early walk on the moor with the ladies. That's usually enough for me but I wanted to go to Saltaire for something Grace had asked me to get. Realising it was Saltaire Festival this weekend and would be very busy, Chris suggested we get the bus into Bingley and walk along the canal to Saltaire.
So after a stop for coffee at Tittle Tattle coffee morning at the Congregational church, we did just that.

Saltaire and the Mill is a favourite place and we headed straight for Salts Diner for homemade soup for lunch spotting on the way a sign for the 'Salt to Silver' exhibition on the top floor. I had both read about this and seen reports on the TV but then promptly forgotten about it. The room space in itself is magnificent and gives you a real feel of the scale of the alpaca weaving mill that once functioned here over four floors. The blip illustrates this well.

The exhibition shows black and white photos of the mill taken by Ian Beesley mainly between 1985 and 1987 showing the  mill when it was in full use and the space being emptied of it's machinery as the weaving stopped and the Mill closed. It's on  now as it is 30 years since Jonathon
Silver bought it and opened the 1853 Gallery. The photos are accompanied by poems written by Ian McMillan, about changing times and photography itself. For a taste of the exhibition see Flickr album here

The food festival was already underway in Exhibition Road so we took a look at that before walking back to Bingley. (Sadly the Continental Sausage man wasn't there but we got some Trufillette from a French food stall for tea, we think it may be a bit like the Truffaud we had at a small Auberg in the Dorgdogne many years ago.)

So a very good day but after nearly 5 miles walking first thing followed by over 6 to Saltaire and back I'm now pooped!

Teas made so I'm putting my feet up.

Happy weekend everyone

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