But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave


I did Blip this dahlia as a contribution to Flower Friday but, as I’m over a week late posting, I don’t suppose it will count. Never mind, the thought was there.
It was still a bit damp this morning, but I went to deal with the bees anyway: clearer boards were put on preparatory to removing the supers (honey boxes) ready for extraction and continued the process of preventing a particularly progressive colony from producing a late swarm. The plan was to spend as little time as possible so that we could go shopping before having lunch. The best laid plans as the saying goes; there was a stranger lurking behind the beehives, it turned out to be ScotFot, and amateur naturalist and photographer who posts on SmugMug. He was there for the fungi and showed me both the pictures he had taken and the actualité, most of which I had not previously noticed.
I have been wondering what forage the bees have been working for the last few weeks, it’s giving me a modest and unexpected crop. ScotFot pointed me to a patch of phacelia, normally grown as a green manure crop, on a patch of what appears to be waste ground near the apiary; he also posts some pretty good photographs.

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