But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave


I'm weeks behind with Blipping at the moment, I suppose the good news is that I don't have pictures for most of the days in between. However, three weeks ago, the cinema showed “Ill Fares the Land,” a docu/drama about the evacuation of St Kilda; not a film of my choosing – but much appreciated by me all the same. As a little bit of publicity, I was asked to take my photographs to the Open House community cafe the day before; they attracted a lot of attention and discussion.

There is always an exhibition of some sort at the cafe; on this day, local musician and viol maker, Anthony Edge, put on a display of instruments that he had made together with some component parts. One thing that did impress me was that the various parts of the body are under serious amounts of stress that tends to spring the simple joints apart, joints that are only held together with glue.
Moves were made to encourage Anthony to open his workshop next year on “Doors Open” day.

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