Silly ...........

 ..... Saturday50  (sils50)

Possibly not silly at first glance ...... the repo man (aka the upholsterer) took our three piece suite so into the sitting room came two sun loungers and a garden chair!!  It all looks very silly.  We are going to be like this for at least a couple of weeks. The two seater sofa sat in front of the window on the left, the chair sat where the garden chair is on the right and the three seater sofa was to the left "behind" what you can see on the photo - we put the loungers etc where the furniture was but it looked weird ....... hence them being almost in the middle of the room.

I also realise, looking at this, just how much crap ''stuff'' I have - I am a "space filler" and also a sentimental little bear so find it hard to discard things that have memories attached ........ aside from the electronics everything is a memory piece.  I'm not quite a hoarder - yet!!!!!
Much as part of me would love to be, I doubt I will ever be a minimalist!!  :o))

FLOWERFRIDAY8  (yes, 8 ..... thought I'd 'sprinkled' but I hadn't so FF8 today and FF15 tomorrow evening, after yet another "mission" and when my "heartbox" is replenished)

BikerBear Hearts for:






BikerBear Honourable Mentions for:






107 faithful flower friday fotographers - fank you!!!   :o)))

Thank you so much, too, for all the comments, stars and hearts on my daisies yesterday - a lovely surprise!

~ Anni ~

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