MM- Memories

This is a scan of a photo featuring my maternal grandmother and my great aunt.  Strictly speaking the photo can't be classed as a memory, but it's always been special to me and seeing it just makes me feel happy and gives me that feeling of contentment that you get when you have a supportive family - and of course memories of those happy family times.

The girl seated is my great aunt Nellie who I knew, and my grandmother (Annie) is the girl standing and although I have a vague memory of her laying on a sofa when we went to visit, sadly that's as far as it goes.   Photos as all we Blippers know always bring those wonderful memories back to 

Thank you to sk for holding such interesting MM challenges this month, and thank you for the kind response to my blip yesterday,  not only a green blip in the literal sense, but Holywell Green is the name of the village itself.

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