Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Iceland Geology

It was great to get out to see some of the landscape today... so this is a medley of geyser, volcanic crater, waterfalls ( this is Gullfoss) and a historically important park. The downside is it's a big busfull , but even if you were driving yourself, there would be big busfulls of people there and the guide is good! All the facilities along the way are beautiful, have great good and stuff, geared to tourists, We've seen lots of waterfalls and I'm afraid if one has been to Yelllwstone, it's hard to be too impressed even tho there is so much geothermal activity all over this area, but our favorite was world heritage site Pingvillar National Park which is the site of the original "Althing, the oldest parliament, where disputes were settled ,news could be shared, and criminals tried and punished....from the 10th C to the 18th. It was here that it was decided, in the year 1000, that everyone in Iceland would be Christian. just like that. The geology is just as interesting as it sits on a Rift Valley caused by the separation of the North American and the European tectonic plates so we are walking between 2 continents! North America is rising, Europe is sinking. And it was a beautiful day.. raining at the waterfall, but sunny in the park, showing off the gorgeous new fall turning colors. Could have spent more time there!

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