TWO pleasant surprises.

No, not the two flowers; that's only one of them.
How's that for a spot of good Irish?
I knew they were there, I knew they were "due".
With customary skill & efficiency I've lost the label.
Surprise #1 Was seeing them fully open after not being in a position where I could actually see them until now.
Surprise #2 I think it looks as though there might suddenly be another three due to show face: if so it'll be a wee bit of compensation for having lost this one.
:¬(  Vs. :¬) 
So, I shot off to try & identify it. I did NOT seek "Autumn crocus" knowing full well I'd see nothing but Colchicums, so I sought, instead "autumn flowering crocus". At the top of the page of references to genuine crocuses were five thumbnail adverts for "bulbs" 3 for colchicum & two for crocuses.
AND, upon closer inspection, it transpired that one of those two was for "Winter" flowering Crocus, flowering from February onward.
I wonder what part of Autumn the vendor/search engine didn't understand.


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