
By PhilattheBeach

Atalaya Art Festival

Today began the big annual weekend art show at the Atalaya 'castle' on the state park grounds at the beach.

This is a juried art show and it's very difficult for an artist to get a space at this show which became quickly apparent when viewing the high quality of work being displayed.

A few years back Mrs ATB and I were selected as judges for the event.
Bet you didn't know we were such highly qualified art critics. :-) lol

So anyway we went over this afternoon to check out the show and listen to the annoying live music and not enjoy a futile search for the beer tent.

It was also about a thousand degrees out there so sitting at home in the AC ended up sounding better as the day went on.

Also, on the way in we spotted five pink spoonbills feeding in the salt marsh but I neglected to bring along a camera of any type so that took care of that. 

Later tonight I grilled an amazing steak outside so the evening definitely turned out nicely.

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