horns of wilmington's cow

By anth


Another hot day in Cedar Rapids. It's been unseasonably hot, around 32 degrees every day, when it would normally be about 18. Nice of it to stay nice for us. It does make being in an office all day, in meetings, that little bit harder. But before going out for dinner with the boss (back to the Black Sheep in the extras), there was a brief one hour fun interlude, before another great dinner at the Black Sheep.

The hour in between getting to the hotel from work, and heading out for dinner, was filled by some momentary jaywalking to get to the park across the road (this country is not set up for pedestrians). I caught the end of a Little League American Football match Iincluding a touchdown), then wandered amongst some American Red Squirrels, and spotted some flower beds that it turned out held a load of gorgeous Monarch butterflies.

But it was while watching the butterflies that suddenly a little Hummingbird appeared. I then spent ten minutes desperately trying to spot it, cursing that I'd only travelled with my 16-85mm lens. But a shot was duly, finally, obtained. Such a gorgeous little thing, and soon off on a winter migration to Mexico (just like the Monarchs).

There was even time to see a couple of Blue Jays (sadly no shots), and an American Robin (completely different species to ours), and an American Nuthatch.

The excellent meal (with some stunning beer cheese dip, amazing corn on the cob, fantastic burger, and s'mores dessert) really topped it all off.

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