Newly Painted

I decided to take a picture of the back of the house since the only thing that has changed is the color of the chimney. Nobody but us seemed to think the sage green was a very good color when it was a selection of paint chips stuck to the chimney. Now that it is painted, everyone is starting to come round...I like it much better than the sort of pinkish color, which matched the retaining wall. I was afraid I was going to want to paint the wall too, but it all looks fine. One has to know where to draw the line on these projects.

We picked up Dana this morning and went to Cottage Garden nursery in search of plants to finish off Phase I of the flagstone pathway and 'rock river' project in front of the house. OilMan and Dana have been working like dogs all afternoon to get the plants planted and a few more rocks scouted and brought down from the field. OilMan is on a countdown to surgery on Wednesday and wants to get all the holes dug and plants planted before then.

I rehung some big galvanized corrugated metal stars which we had on the side of the barn in Sebastopol and brought to Santa Rosa with us. We hung them on the fence where they became completely hidden by oleanders which grew up in front of them.

Dana directed the new placement for the stars from the driveway but had to keep repeating her directions because I would turn away to get the hammer and lose the mark I had made on the pristine white fence. Or I would have to go in search of the one small star we hung on OilMan's shed at the top of the stairs. Or I would have to come all the way down the stairs to get a ladder to reach the star where we had hung it on OilMan's shed. Or I would have to go back up to OilMan's shed to get the hammer.

We finally got them hung and Dana said, "they're red white and blue. I hope people won't think we're some sort of DT patriots."

I might have to take them all down again...or go buy a couple of yellow and green ones....

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