More Apples

Chaotic morning this morning. Miss L forgot her bags - a misunderstanding rather than her being annoyingly forgetful. Ordinarily I'd go back for the bags after dropping them off at school but this morning I couldn't be bothered had Archie in the back of the car to go for a walk before we got home. So from Miss E's school I headed home with Miss L for the bags and told her she'd be a bit late. She was!! 
I came back to the rugby club with Archie for a quick walk across the fields and then dashed home to be there in time for my mum and dad dropping Elsie and Maisie off on their way up to Nottingham for lunch. Maisie hopped up onto the sofa and slept most of the day. 
Elsie wouldn't move from her spot on the stairs and just waited for them to get home. All day, bless her!!
Once Archie had got over the excitement of them being here we all settled down to a quiet day. Them sleeping, me practising for Sing and Sign.
No Fat Club tonight as Miss E had Brownies. I know what the scales would have said anyway so it was no great disappointment not to go!!!

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