Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren

Autumn Arrival

Forget the image! I shouldn't try to do this when I'm tired,  and haven't got time!

The chestnuts are beginning to fall so the idea was to do another still life. This went from bad to worse and I've ended up with something far from my original idea, but it's late, so I haven't got time to start again before going to work. 

One of those days. Coming into the house at 5am means that puppy dog thinks it's time to get up.   She was full of beans and wasn't going to let me sleep. I couldn't just stick her back in her cage as it's a bit cruel to expect my lodger to wake up with the incessant barking. By the time the pup had settled it was time for me to go again... and so it has been all day. Not a happy woman but I have the morning off tomorrow so can get my head down after Ross goes to work. 

Looking forward to a new day and better results all round. 

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