Arvin's Grave

Helena and I visited Arvin's grave this afternoon. It was our first time there. We stopped in the mortuary first to get a map to the spot. It isn't easy to find since this part of the cemetery is wild grasses and woods around the edge. The gal lead us there but even she got a bit off track. But we did find it and there was the rock headstone. It is granite. The one the engraving company dropped was a river rock. I never actually saw that one and was a bit disappointed that this one wasn't a river rock... until I saw it today. It is big and bold and a good indicator of the strength and humor, and the loving kindness, of my sweet Arvin.

This morning I met some of my Alzheimer buddies at Starbucks for coffee and breakfast. As always we had a great time together. I am so glad that I am staying in touch with my friends, and attending the support meetings. Some time soon I will begin to do some volunteering with the Alzheimer's Society of Washington. I'm giving myself time to rest first though.

Afterwards I visited the local Social Security office to let them copy my marriage certificate. They needed that to see what benefits I might have from Arvin's SS. It is taking longer than usual because somehow he slipped through the cracks and now they are fixing that. I'm not worried about how long it will take.

Yesterday I spent another lazy, busy, day at home. Did the wash and finished choosing potential photos for this year's calendars. And I ordered photos so I can start making some of them.

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