That film that was found in my folks camera, produced eight out of a possible twelve prints, and here are most of them. There's a magenta cast along the top and bottom edges in places, but as the film was in the camera for what we now know was at least 31 years(!!), that's okay. All the shots are from holidays, and fortunately I escaped the camera in all of them... I wasn't on any of those holidays.

The sunny shot (top left) was taken on Malta in 1981, and in it, my Mother's standing next to my younger brother, and she's holding an Olympus Trip camera. She looked out that camera, and some others, after I reported finding this film, and apparently it, and the others, ALL have unfinished films in them! So there may be a few more old memories to be had. Most of the other shots are from another year, and were taken in France. A couple of Mont Saint-Michel from a car, and the rest somewhere in the Dordogne area. My Father looks like a young lad, and my Sister says she hadn't realised she was so chubby back then.

We've all had some laughs, and I've warned the siblings not included in these, that there are other films, and I've acquired a good scanner for my old films too... i.e. there's no escape!

= = = = = = = =

Well that cold took a distinct turn for the worse. After a sleepless night, I was aching all over this morning, and totally lacking any energy. Felt somewhat lightheaded/dazed too. I didn't go to work!

The post came, and I heard the delivered items hit the mat, and thought brilliant, that should be that Black & White film I shot with my folks 55 year old camera. Several hours later, when I managed to get up, I was disheartened to find it wasn't. And then annoyed to find that Virgin Net were increasing my Broadband/telephone charges substantially, for the third year running. Swines! The price has more than doubled in three years, and with no improvement, or new hardware. Looks like it is time to give in, and move to BT. Have been with Virgin since first accessing the Internet from home, in 1995. I'll look into it later...

[This is part of a mega back-Blipping session, several days later, I wasn't compos mentis enough to type this lot on Monday!]

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