Playing with the Light

My day started with a condo board meeting. Today we managed to do the whole thing in an hour. Much better than the two it took last month. I stayed awhile after and took a tour of the the house where it was held. Like all but mine it had originally had three bedrooms, two quite small. They did a remodel and turned the two into one larger room. Worked very well.

When I got home I went out shopping to pick up some groceries and meds and to get a flu shot. I do that every year and I do think it helps.

In the afternoon I waited an actual hour to talk to somebody at Social Security about an error in the application I had made. The letter said he had not been married before but he had. When I finally talked to the gal at SS, it turned out not to be a problem. So all is good.

At six I went to the credit union in Fairhaven to take down my paintings from a show there. I brought them to my new shared studio and then walked over to meet Helena for a trip to Mallard's Ice Cream. On the way there I took some photos of the iconic buildings at the Georgia Pacific site. This is one I juiced up by adding color and contrast. I enjoyed taking some more interesting photos today and playing with them on the computer. It was a good day.

Oh! I almost forgot. I finally have a definite date for the estate sale at my Bellingham "lake house." The sale will be Friday, Saturday and Sunday, October 6, 7 and 8 from 10 to 4. If you are nearby, come on over to see what is going up for sale. There is some good stuff there.

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