Purple Smiles

 Thursday was fast and furious.  Work and school....run to get Sugar for her orthodontist appointment, where she got new purple bands.  Then it was run her back to volleyball practice before she was late.  Then I drove home....grabbed up Topaz, and jetted back to town to take him to the vet's office for his shots.  There was a cat with an emergency, so we waited longer than expected, but fine.  Topaz was a silly boy, and the everyone got a kick out of his antics.  My SIL law grabbed Sugar from VB practice, and delivered her to me at the library.  Finally, we could head home.  Topaz being a backseat driver the whole way.  

GOOD NEWS, though....Topaz outgrew his heart murmur....and we are THRILLED!  We have been so worried about him, and now we can relax.  It was the best news.   My girl was alllll smiles.  Purple smiles!

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