Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Regarding Brothers

Or at least, here's Miss 6 regarding her brother. We all went outside to play, and after a bit of running they decided they were going to roll down the lawn. Here missy was looking at her brother - who I think was saying something about the plan for said rolling. I took rather too many photos while we were out, and consequently had quite a difficult choice of blip. This one really grabbed me though; I love her expression.

I'm afraid that with me being on holiday until next Wednesday, you're probably going to be subjected to my children rather a lot. ;-)

Still, here she is in large - and I do think worth a look.

And colour here.

I've turned off shooting in RAW. For two reasons: firstly that I lost all my RAW files in the move from iPhoto, because of iPhoto's crap handling of RAW (it basically just has a jpg that hasn't been saturated and sharpened by the camera, and the RAW is hidden away) which meant all that got exported were pair of jpgs, one slightly saturated - so what the hell, I might as well just shoot jpg...; and secondly that shooting in burst mode is a big bucket o' fail with my G10 shooting RAW, as I only get a few shots before it stops for the saving to catch up. I might see if I can set it so that manual mode saves RAW files and everything else just jpg; that'd suit me pretty well.

But I doubt that'll be possible.

Also, 6 1/2 km run this morning, and felt good. Pushed myself, as I did yesterday, and my average pace was 5:14/km, which pleases me (that's down from an average of about 7min/km when I started running in June). The last 2 1/2 km were all under 5:00/km; the best km was the fifth, at 4:30. So I'm getting better. 8) Really, it's mostly in the head: I must remember that it's not the legs getting tired, it's the head giving up. Tell the brain to shut up and the legs to keep pumping, and it's all good. 8)

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