Slow progress

Compared to this, there doesn't seem all that much progress.  But the holes are filled, and the shelves for the alcove are under construction.  This latter task is made much more complicated by the total lack of horizontals and right angles in this house. 

W also investigated the oak pieces left in the garage by the previous owners - in the rafters.  He found considerable dust, and a bird's nest.  But he also found more than enough skirting for this area.  And lengths of oak architrave that we will probably not be able to use.  Perhaps we can find someone who will by advertising in the local selling group on Facebook.

W also found a piece of laminate flooring to repair a small patch in the corner.  It's not an exact match, but good enough.  In the process, he has hurt his wrist - hopefully it is not going to be too limiting, as Jane will be here to paint in 3 weeks.

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