The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Buying Time

Popped into a well known store at lunchtime, to try to gather evidence for my colleagues that there is such a thing as a radio controlled clock with a traditional face! I thought that this was already a truth universally acknowledged, but it seems not. Perhaps by next Tuesday, when I go in again, there will be a click on the wall. We are all at sea without one.

LA and I went climbing. I wasn't very good. I distrusted my upper body strength ( haha, what strength would that be?) and felt tired. To cap it all, between swimming with the children and climbing in Gloucester, I managed to lose s favourite pair of spotty socks. I had to return home sockless!

Favourite moment of the day: in the hydro pool, one of my key children launched himself at me and instructed,
' Take me to the docks, m'lady!'

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