The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

In the flowerbed today

...found this in the nuns' flowerbed. I think it's s Clematis of some sort.

Tiptoeing around a bit at work because OFSTED has gone, but there's a separate residential care inspection going on. Friend who works in a care home over the hill has just texted me to say they've had the Care Quality Commission in. You have been warned!

The road is still closed. We went to the woods with the children, and I scratched my face on a branch. Ouch. I made lentil and sweet corn soup because there was still no fresh food in the house, but then I felt smug because we watched a programme about saving money on food and I thought, yeah, I can do that...for a start, I never buy weekend breakfast from a fast food restaurant or buy Cola (except on holiday).

Got totally soaked in the rain on the way home. Had to change into PJs on my return. The good news is, I found my work locker key, which I thought I had lost.

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