Black Labrador - Golden Hour

I went for a walk at Lodge Farm late this afternoon and was delighted to see and photograph a small herd of deer soon after I got out of the car. As I approached the farmhouse I was overtaken by a lovely bouncy black Labrador. His master soon caught up and we got chatting. He told me that he has had heart trouble and that getting Hunter dog has changed his life. He loves going out walking now, which of course is good for his health. He and his wife adore Hunter, who sleeps between them. While I was taking pics of the dog the sun came out from behind the clouds and bathed everything in beautiful golden light. A pair of young bucks appeared from nowhere and trotted over the farm track quite near us.

Later on my walk I met the farmer's lovely daughter for the first time, she and her husband have recently moved into the farmhouse. I stole a doggie kiss from her golden Labrador puppy Jimmy. :)

Today's poem is Acquainted with the Night by Robert Frost.

A poem about depression. I don't know much about the rules and forms of poetry but evidently this is written in terza rima which is very difficult to achieve in English. My image for today ties in with the poem as "black dog" is often used to describe depression. Churchill was the first to use it and it is reported in today's paper that Archbishop Justin Welby has revealed that he too has suffered with the "black dog."

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