Deer print

Had a decent lie-in this morning, and a nice slow start - thankfully, after a very late night last night.  Tim and I cooked eggs on toast in our little cottage, then ventured out to catch up with the others.

Had a day of playing in the games barn, stuffing our faces in the food barn, and a nice little walk in the fields nearby - where we spotted this deer print.  Also ventured into a maize field with my niece and nephew :)

Beautiful big moon this evening, but I didn't do very well at capturing it.  It was nice standing around with my family marvelling at it though.  We'd been doing that thing where four people try to lift someone up using just one finger on each hand, then stacking hands over the person's head for twenty seconds and then lifting in a super human fashion (sounds weird I know, but if you haven't tried it, you should!) - and because my mum couldn't see it from her scooter, we employed that technique to give her a better vantage point.

Soooo tired this evening, so Tim and I headed off to bed a lot earlier - about 11, and had such a good sleep!

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