Lake Michigan...

...on a cold, windy, overcast day.  I'm never sure that standing on this part of the bluffs is a good idea because if you were standing across the little valley looking back to where I am, you'd see that the ground underneath the edge is eroded away and is only held in place by the roots of the tree that's in my picture. As I turned to leave I almost had a heart attack, as there were 2 big dobermans running loose along the edge of the road by my car, who very quickly spotted me  & came across the grass toward me at a full out run while I'm looking frantically for their owner! I didn't move a muscle as they both stopped about 6 feet from me, just staring at me! Finally there was a whistle as their owner came into view--almost a block away. Now I love dogs and I don't mind dogs being loose in the park providing their owner is with them, but when they're so far ahead that the owner is out of sight I don't like it. The guy said "sorry" when he passed me on my way back to my car--I told him his dogs scared me out of at least 5 years of my life--and he laughed. I told him that seeing 2 large dobermans running straight at me with no owner in sight wasn't my idea of funny and he said no, he supposed not--- as he kept on smiling and walking. (And may I just add that his dogs had once again taken off and were far out of sight! Off to scare the life out of someone else I'm guessing!) Jerk!

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