Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Gory Story

This morning we caught up with another couple of old friends and then I plucked up my courage to face the road north on the coat-tails of Storm Ophelia. But by the time I got to the M6 the wind had more or less died, and once I'd crossed the border the sun actually came out.

I stopped at Carlenrigg to take some pictures. Johnnie Armstrong, one of the nastiest of the Border Reivers (cattle thieves and worse) was buried there, after being hanged from a tree by King James the Fifth. Well, I don't suppose James actually strung him up personally. It's the subject of ballads and all happened a long time ago.

The churchyard has a great variety of lichens growing on the walls, tombstones and trees. This hawthorn bush is nearly smothered, but has managed to produce a few haws, and they are my effort for Tiny Tuesday. Thanks to WRPerry for hosting the challenge.

TM is staying on a bit  at M and K's. 

K has had a little set-back, and  C is off school with hand, foot and mouth disease (I think that's what it's called, sounds like something farm animals get.)

Bad timing, but hopefully it won't be for long.

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