The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

What colour is your baggage?

I'm laughing because I was outside school waiting for for my lift when I saw my sister Tanya/TML' s blip for today. It's all about the four colour personalities, as defined by 'Big Al' Schreiber or Marc Accetta.

I immediately wanted to snap my lunch bag as it is very vibrant, with lots of red. When I did the test I found that ref came out tops for me, closely followed by blue and green. Reds are supposed to be results-oriented, driven, motivated by money and not quite as empathetic towards others as they might believe. Is that me?

On the other hand, I was at a fair last week. Two things happened. One stall holder asked another one to budge up, or words to that effect. The other stall holder responded huffily by saying that they'd booked a double stall, and then Leaving! My attitude was, They won't last long in business!
Quite a red viewpoint.

Secondly, two reps from the same Multi level marketing company booked a stall. The one who hadn't specified the name of her company had to leave. I recalled a similar situation that had happened to me, except that I was in the right, but I chose to leave, to avoid causing a scene that would damage the company reputation. Very yellow, people-pleasing.

I could go on, but it's late, and the big pink suitcase with a hint of blue signified that well soon be on our way to Scotland. Less than 36 hours, and counting! One more day day of work...

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