
This hoop looks rather forlorn in the snow. Another off-camera-flash experiment in the late evening after a long day...

At last I got the chance to chat to MrsCyclops for about 40 minutes this evening which was lovely! It's great to hear her voice, but somehow still unreal to me how long it will be until we're together again. Thank goodness for skype though - unlimited calls to UK landlines for £1.95/month means at least there's no restrictions on our chatting.

So this is the end of the first of 16 weeks I'll be at Babson College for my fellowship programme. I have to admit to being mentally exhausted, and not a little intimidated by the pile of reading I need to get through at the weekend. More importantly though, the programme is really excellent. It's challenging me, opening my eyes to things I've never thought about before, and mostly it's good fun. I also feel that in our professors we have the best teachers we could possibly ask for. All of them have real experence of building and running businesses as well as impeccable academic credentials. I think the next 15 weeks are going to be exhausting at times, and sometimes overwhelming. I'm certain they will also be stimulating and educational though, and that's what it's all about.

The folks here have been super, and organised for us to go to the JFK library tomorrow to see a special exhibition (sorry, "exhibit") on the JFK inauguration - very topical since there will another presidential inaguration in just a few days. After that we're heading into town for a look round and we have a dinner reservation for later before the minibus (sorry, "minivan") brings us back to the college. It should be a great day and hopefully I'll manage a daylight blip!

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