Journey Through Time

By Sue

Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge

Our focus for today is Ridgefield NWR. It's another sunny day, with dry east winds making it seem even warmer. Fall is coming to the Refuge and the grasses are starting to die off. Because of a very dry three month period, the marshlands have dried up. A few of the "lakes" are just mud and it is easy to see now how shallow some of those lakes really are. It was very quiet at the Refuge today, but we took a spin around the auto route in hopes of seeing something interesting. The signs are back up to STAY IN YOUR CAR, but I did open my door and put one foot on the ground so that I could get a shot of the little Kestrel, who was dead ahead of us on the road and in a terribly awkward place for me to try to get a good photo of it. Out of focus. At the rest stop and walk to the bird blind, which is where one can legally stretch their legs, a large red tailed hawk flew right over our heads. It was gorgeous! Out of focus. On the last stretch of road we could see a few geese and one white blurry thing feeding in the far off mucky marsh. Too far away for my lens, but I was able to go to the Friends of Ridgefield website and find out that a snow goose had been spotted there recently. So, snow goose it is! Very blurry and out of focus. Wildlife photography is hard! Especially when your camera equipment barely qualifies to photograph wildlife. Oh well....I'll show you these out of focus birds anyway. If you go large you can see the birds better. I still don't know how to do that for you.....

I guess we will sit through the presidential debates tonight. I hope they "focus" on something worthwhile. I hate politics.

Stay in focus, my blip buddies. See ya later.

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