
  Nickebo is the house behind the trees, and the associated buildings. On this grey Sunday Nickebo was closing down for the winter. It was built (in 1896) to be used as a family summer house and was never designed for winter.
It started out as a private house but for most of the past 80 years it belonged to the church, hence the bell tower on the right. It was used for church activities and as a cafe, kid's playground, swimming spot etc for local people.
Eventually the church decided it longer had the money to support something actually used and loved by local people, because it needed the money for its empty cathedrals, and Nickebo was sold.
So far the company that has bought Nickebo continues to use it, and allow others to use it, in a similar way.
Even out of season I have spent a few hours of my life sitting on that covered veranda in the foreground. An excellent goal for an autumn kayak paddle or a winter ski with a thermos and a sandwich.

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