Autumn Oak

We planted this oak in our garden around 10 years ago. It's still not quiet strong enough to hold one end of a hammock but it is on the way.
This year autumn seems to be spreading across each leaf individually. Part of the leaf is brown, and part still green. Very strange...
At about ten past midnight last night I finished "The Shadow of the Wind" by Carlos Ruiz Zafón. I listened to the third book in this quartet on the Swedish radio and was so impressed I had to go and find other books by this author. Fortunately he had gained fame a while back in the UK so every charity shop had the first two books in the quartet. The books are set after the Spanish civil war, but stories within stories tell of the civil war in Barcelona and its aftermath.  It makes me wonder if the current leaders in Barcelona and Madrid really remember that awful time. I do hope they do!

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