Pretty Flooers

My welcome home from Stobo flowers from His Lordship are today’s blip.
HIs romantic gesture was lovely, knowing as he does that I miss having all the daughters together and will have to wait another year before we can all meet up again.

His Lordship was intending to tread the light fantastic in the Lamington hills today until he saw the forecast for heavy rain over central Scotland. It is Sod’s Law that as yet not a single drop has fallen. ‘‘Twas ever thus.

My #1 friend of mts is over from Ireland for three days at the moment and today we are standing each other birthday lunches. Our birthdays are ten days apart this month and it seems a good way to share a present.
Apart from the lunch, we have a lot of news to share too and so His Lordship will be left to his own devices for a considerable time. He seems unduly happy at the prospect.

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